Sunday, December 11, 2011

American Indian Religion, wisdom And the Tribes of the Maoy

This Web site is brought to you by:
We are a Friendly Tribe, made up of Gays of all races,
 who wish to come together in real freedom.
 The Church of the Maoy, is for those in the Tribe who want
 to Share their  Faith and their wisdom and friendship with others.
 Our Church and Tribe is open to everyone.
 Some Churches in the US and other countries are closed to Gays
 who do not change from the person God made them to be.
 The Tribes mission is to bring Freedom to all Gays.

American Indian Religion,
  Wisdom, and the Tribes of the Maoy
This is a Web site under God, and follows Gay Freedom, American
Two Spirit Freedom and Religious Freedom,
as found in the constitution of the United States, and Our Civil Laws.
All pictures are believed to be in the public domain,
if we are in error, the picture will be removed upon request. Art and text are owned by
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
All Bible passages are from the New King James Version.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

The world as we know it has been sprinting towards a culture
of microwave meals and instant messages. Many of our youth
are subjected to an environment where they can communicate
instantaneously and virtually anything can be found via the internet.
 Less emphasis is being placed on staying active and experiencing the joys of nature.
with the help of American Indian Two Spirit, will
once more reunite our people with the wonders of nature.
In the villages of the Tribes, we will have outdoor adventure training.
We will not give up on technology, but we will follow the American Indian
 culture and Religion, and return to a more simple time,
where we can experience the serenity of nature.
Where the common noises of this fast paced society, is replaced with:
The sound of a stream, the ocean waves, bird calls, the wind in the trees.
Tribe members will be then be encouraged to look inward to find peace of mind.
To listen to the small Voice of God within that calls them forth towards greatness.
We need to find God, and he cannot
 be found in noise and restlessness.
God is the friend of silence. See how nature-trees, flowers
, grass-grows in silence; see the stars,
 the moon and the sun, how they move in silence…
 We need silence to be able to touch souls.” Mother Theresa
There are many things taught by “The Pale One” in
 American Indian Religion that reflect the words of Christ.
On this page we will take a closer look into what
 American Indian Religion can add to the Tribe.
We, in the United States, all see what our culture
 wants us to see, what it has trained us to see.
When the first English colonial artists painted the American Indians,
they represented the natives as red-skinned Caucasoids.
Even the red skin was a willful illusion, exaggerated
to make some distinction between themselves and the American Indian.
In the US, we have another distorting force at work,
a force that takes away where it pretends to give.
MORALITY-in its only universally valid definition is:
“Whatever conduces to the preservation of the group.”
This is why we have all the sex laws, and many other laws.
In the US today there are 1,612,071 people in Prison!
The US imprisons more people than any other country!
More than 1 in 100 adults are behind bars!
We need to have Two Spirit members to help us get away
From this type of life.
And what part does Our Lord, Jesus Christ
 play in the American Indian Religion?

To give some history; Jesus of Nazareth was reportedly seen by
 upwards of 500 people after his resurrection.
The Gospels record several specific witnesses, including his disciples,
to whom Jesus appeared in rooms that had been locked for fear of persecution.
Jesus simply was there, in their midst.
On the first occasion, the disciple Thomas was absent. He refused to
 believe his ten fellow apostles had seen the risen Jesus.
 His attitude led to the term "doubting Thomas."

"Unless I shall see in his hands the imprint of the nails,
 and put my finger into the place of the nails,
 and put my hand into his side, I will not believe." (John 20:25)
Eight days later, John tells us, Thomas was with the other disciples
 when the risen Jesus suddenly appeared
in their midst, although the doors were shut.
 "Reach here your finger,"
Jesus told Thomas, "and see my hands, and reach here
 your hand, and put it into my side, and be
 not unbelieving, but believing." (John 20:27)
Thomas' response was one of total submission. Jesus asked,
"Because you have seen me, have you believed?
 Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed."
(John 20:26-29)
This clearly demonstrates that he could suddenly manifest himself in a closed room.
 Yet he could apparently be seen and touched as a
physical being, even to the wounds of his crucifixion.
This is very important as we turn our eye to the Americas.
 For there are stories in the Americas about a white,
bearded god who bears a striking similarity to Jesus of Nazareth.
In Jesus' day, no one had sailed to the Americas.
Yet, when the first white men landed in Mexico, the natives
hailed their visitors as their returned white god who had walked among their ancestors,
 left mysteriously, and yet- as Jesus had in Jerusalem-promised to return.
Jesus had made his last post-resurrection appearance
to the little band of believers. He had left them what is
called "the Great Commission." Matthew records it as Jesus' final command

"All authority has been given to me in heaven
 and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples
 of all the nations, baptizing them in the name
 of the Father and the Son and the Holy
 Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I
 commanded you; and lo, I am with
 you always, even to the end of the age."
(Matt. 28:18-29)
There is a universal legend of a white god through out the Americas.
From the Haida Indians in Alaska to the Incas of Peru.
Could these really be the same man?
Mexico:Quetzalcoatl, Votan and Wixepechocha?
Guatemala: Gucumatz
Peru: Viracocha, Jyustus and Kon-Tiki
Brazil: Sume
Colombia: Bochica
Dakoth (Indians): Wakoma
Algonkin Indians of America: Chee-Zoos? (Jesus?)
Navajo Indians of Southwest America: Yeh-ho-va (Jehovah?)
Cortez marched on the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan.
The emperor, Montezuma, received the conquistador as the descent
 of the god Quetzalcoatl. Of course, the conqueror did not act like a god,
 but by the time the Aztecs realized this, it was too late.
In addition to the white or fair skin and bearded face,
there were other physical characteristics in common.
He wore a long robe, sometimes with a border of red or black crosses on the hem
He appeared among the various tribes in some mysterious or
supernatural way, much as Jesus is recorded
to have done with the disciples in the closed rooms of Jerusalem.
When his mission was finished he disappeared
or left the natives in much the same manner as he had first appeared.
Finally, he was born of a virgin.
The Modocs of California believe that the great spirit Ka-moon-kum-chux,
blew his breath upon a maiden and she became the mother of the Son of the Great Spirit.
The white bearded god of the peoples of the ancient Americas was said
to have brought a message of peace and kindness. He healed the sick,
gave sight to the blind, restored speech and hearing to the deaf and dumb, and even raised the dead.
Another remarkable similarity is left by Francisco Hernandez.
He was chaplain to the Spanish governor, in Yucatan. (year 1545)
A De las Casas quotes Hernandez, who had met a principal lord
or chief who told the Spaniard of there faith" He answered him
that they knew and believed in God who was in heaven; that God
was the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. To continue this quate.
"The Father is called by them Itzamma and he created man and all things.
 The son's name was Bacab, who was born from a maiden who had ever remained
a virgin, whose name was Chiribirias, and who is in heaven with God.
The Holy Spirit they called Echuac. They say Itzamna means 'The Great Father.
The native also said "He was killed and lashed and a crown
of thorns put on him, and he was placed on a timber with his arms stretched out."
In 1546 the Catholic bishop to the natives of the Americas could only comment with some awe:

"If these things are true, it seems that our
Holy Faith was known in that land."
In all the Pages of the Tribe, I have talked about bringing
American Indian traditions into the Tribe, and this is why.
They are close to nature, and we need to do that again.
Also, because of that, they are close to God. The Tsalagi teach that

"Children are valued members of the Tribe, and from
the moment they make there first smile, they
are invited to partake in Spiritual Ceremony and
 responsible action for the good of all the people.
 That 1st smile is an indication of the child's willingness to reach
 out and communicate with others and from that smile
 one understands what the child's gift is!"
The Tsalagi also teach:
"The Eye of God looks through the eyes of the Children."

Jesus said, in the Word of God:
Matthew Chapter 19, Verse 14: But Jesus said,
"Let the Children come to me,
 and do not forbid them for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven."

The Tsalagi are saying the SAME THING with different words!
 We need to hear the Words of God in different ways,
 to really understand HIS WILL!
Another teaching of the Tsalagi: "In the days before the Hoop
of the Nation was broken, there was no need for Prison
or Mental Hospitals because the sacred precepts and
 principles, and the care of extended family and nation
 maintained harmony in the lives of the people.
 If some one stepped outside the bounds of good law,
 if someone became lost, all the relatives and friends
would come to guide them.
Even the most heinous criminals could make their way
 to the place of sanctuary to the peace village.
 There they could pass a year in ceremony
and spiritual practice to remove that negative pattern
 of thought. That illusion based on pride,
 so that they could come again
and be accepted as whole by all the Tribe."
This is something we MUST do in the Tribe!
 All God's Gay Children need to be able to be saved from their own mistakes!
Not put in Jail for the rest of their lives!
We need the American Indian Two Spirit to Join the Tribe of the Maoy!
 Their teachings, at the real heart, are GOD'S teachings!

The Tribe MUST close the broken, Sacred HOOP of God!
Not just for the Indian nations, but for ALL
Gay Boys and Men EVERYWHERE! Here is another:
"Faith in a Sacred Plan, (God's Plan)
 Divine Law, is the Wind that fans the Flames
 of will power to manifest what is good."
 Would Jesus say this? You bet he would!
Here is another: "A young Boy expresses joy at seeing
 leaves shimmer as if dancing on the tree. Adult replies,
 'Leaves do not dance.' Doubt may arise in a Boy's
 mind about the validity of feeling joy.
 The fire of joyful expression has been dampened by
 careless speech; the pattern of joy may be deeply
altered, giving rise to imbalance, a loss of joy in the Boy's life."

Would Jesus warn about this? YES, YES, and YES! We,
in the Tribe can NEVER take the Joy of Childhood Away!
The US has no real rituals.
"Rituals can build us up, stronger than word;
 it is the fiber that makes the cables of the bridge that
 will take you to the other shore, beyond the
 sea of your ignorance to the shore of your wisdom."

This is what we need in the Tribe! Rituals can span the generations!
There was an Indian Proverb I read that went something like this:

A Medicine Man of the village was talking to two
 Boys and He told them;
"There are two wolves in each of us, one is for
 Love, Caring, Trust. The other for Anger, Hate,
Lust. Both are at war within Us all the Time
." One Boy asked, "Which one will win?"
 And the Medicine Man said, "The one you feed."

Let's talk about the "Pale One”
 And what I believe to
 be his relationship to Jesus Christ

It is said: "The Pale One”, was born in a miraculous manner.
 ( a virgin birth) His body emitted great light; he appeared in many
 places at once and spoke the language of all creatures."
I believe the The Pale One,
and Jesus Christ both are the same and came from God himself.
Jesus Christ gave his teachings to the Tribes of Israel.
Teaching them what they had to know.
The Pale one came to the Indian Nations
to teach them what they had to know.
Jesus could not teach the Indian Nations the same thing he did for the Tribes of Israel,
 just like the Pale One could not teach the
Tribes of Israel what he taught the American Indians.
The cultures were so far apart, as to have no contact between them.
 Let's face it, the American Indians Culture had nothing in
 common with the white man, so the white man just ran over them,
never even trying to understand them! Or maybe not ever wanting to.
 And then, because they could not understand the Indian, tried to
 force him into becoming white!
This is an Abomination to God!
This must stop in the Tribes of the Maoy!
 from the Pale One so that all might
 recall and honor the unity of the Hoop(Tribe):
This is just as much a Truth to the Tribe, as it is to the American Indians.
1. What walks swims, flies, or creeps, the mountains, streams,
valleys and all things, are related to you, and your thoughts and actions.2. What occurs around you and within you reflects your
 own mind and shows you the dream you are weaving.3. Three principles of awakened mind guide enlightened action:
Will to see the mystery as it is; courage to do what must be done.4. Generosity of heart and action brings
 peace and abundance for all in the circle.5. Respect for elders, clan, lands and nation.
6. Action to benefit the land and people unto
 seven generations: ever mindful of life's unfolding.7. To be in good relation. Pacifying conflicting emotions,
 is to experience the wisdom within. Still the lake of mystery
1. Speak only words of truth.
2. Speak only of the good qualities of others.
3. Be a confidant and carry no tales.
4. Turn aside the veil of anger, to release the beauty inherent in all.
5. Waste not the bounty, and want not.
6. Honor the light in all, compare nothing; see all for its such ness.
7. Neither kill nor harbor thoughts of angry nature, which destroy peace like a arrow.
8. Do it now; if you see what needs doing, do it!
The teaching of the Pale One are the teaching of Jesus Christ.
It's clear to anyone who has the eyes to see.
The Pale One comes when the people have forgotten
 their sacred ways, bringing reminders of the law.
The metal illness of these times come from the
 idea that, the invention what is built by
the hand is more powerful than the person.
"It is by our thought, speech, and deeds
 individually and collectively,
 that we are shaping our tomorrows."
Through the heart flows the river of joy, and this
river can be dammed by harsh words, uncaring words.
Envy poisons the group effort because
 "I wish" becomes bigger than "we can."
Words or thoughts expressed in anger destroy like a bullet
"Fear of failure hinders a beginning."

Let us honor the Gay Boys in the Tribe, our future. To be a friend
 to a Boy, that is the special gift we can give.
 With our love we can send that Gay Boy upon the beauty path.
 Just learning to sing a morning song of thanks, our mind truly
affect the plants, the crops, the Tribe.
We must take time to pray with our
Gay Boys in the morning. We must put down roots for a holy
 place for our people to meet as a two-spirited Gay family.
Without spiritual foundation there can be
 no Indian Nation, or the Tribe of the Maoy.
 Without spiritual practice, confusion reigns.
This is a polite way of saying that if we do not have God in the Tribe,
we will become another Sodom and Gomorrah,
 like the US, and that must never happen!
Even the softest prayer sends vibrations of prayer moving through the air.
 In prayer one activates the force of sacred sound and the creative word.

Our God of the universe, The God of our Bible and the God of the Indian Nations
 is asking the People of the Tribe of the Maoy, to realize that the bears,
 whales, coyotes, trees, the ants, ALL of these creatures are our relatives.
ALL are created by God! We must all live together in harmony.
All physical form- Table, trees, mountains-Was first a thought.
Some by thoughts by Man, some thoughts originate in the mind of God.
All thought is united in the Sacred Hoop of life, in that we are one in God's creation.
The earth is asking that we take one another's
 hands and we put aside
the idea of "My" and "Yours." And in the Tribe, change it to
We have a choice in the Tribe of the Maoy
 between inventions and the world of what is.
We, in the Tribe, must follow the
 Beauty Path.
 In the old days, Native American Governmental systems
incorporated the wisdom of the minority voice
until all were clear on a single choice and course of action.
We must do the same.
As long as the rivers shall flow and as long as the grass is green,
 the salmon are going to come up stream. They want to go home.
For many Gay Boys and Men, there is no home.
And when I say Home I don't just mean a place to live.
I have a place to live, but it is not HOME.
We must understand the message of the salmon.
 He feels the energy and finds the right stream.
 He can feel the water that will bring him home.
The salmon who is busy looking around and thinking
"I don't think I can jump over that rock." Or "Am I really in the right stream?"
 Is going to end up in your salad. It is time to go home, home to the Tribe of the Maoy
 that loves you. And we can all find the way.
Will the Church and the Government put "rocks" in our way?
 You bet they will! But we CAN find that right stream that will lead us HOME!
Let's all come out of the ocean of illusion.
 "I am on my way! And it is the beauty way!"
When you attend an American Indian medicine ceremonies you may
hear the medicine people say, "Do this, do it again, etc. etc. That is because the person did it the first time without commitment. So many people give up. But this IS your life and you cannot give up!
If we hold the grief to our selves, we are breaking the flow to the earth;
you can return that grief to the earth.

 and pour out your sadness. Tell the tree
"These things have happened and I have felt sad.
 I know life goes on and I cast the sadness aside"
 Now, I know that Gay Boys and Men reading this have much
more to say then what is written here.
Now you may think it is dumb to hug a tree, but know this, God Made that tree,
the sky, the earth, and the heavens above-and you. So God is in that tree,
 as He is in all things. It's really a prayer to God, and you are using
 that tree as a focus for your heart. Now I know that in the big city,
 it's hard to find a tree where you can be alone without someone watching,
 that will think you have lost your mind. But even there in that big city,
 there is some place you will find your tree, where you can commune with God
and let go of your grief. Let the earth take it away from you.
 You may say that "The tree cannot hear me!" You are wrong!
 It has been known for years that if you have plants in one room
and plants in another room and you feed them the same way,
but in the first room you sing to those plants every day, talk to them about good things,
 and in the other room, you yell and curse at the plants, the one in
the first will grow up strong, in the other room they will die.
 So go and Pray with a tree, God and that tree CAN hear you!

"Spiritual practice builds the foundation of stable mind."
Remembrance weighs heavy on the minds of all Gay Boys and Men,
 seeking to affirm their identity in a world that rejects us.
The Indian Two-Spirited Boy and Men of all American Indian Tribes
need to join the Tribe of the Maoy, for they have suffered
as much, if not more then Gays outside the tribes have.
The Indian removal act of 1830 banished the Cherokee and other eastern
Tribes beyond the wide Mississippi. Some 15,000 Cherokee followed the "Trail of tears"
west from 1838 to 1839 separated in contingents of varying size,
facing ordeals that range from Dysentery to Hypothermia,
from measles to whooping cough. Soon a trail of graves marked the way west.
 Estimates placed the death toll in camps as well as in transit as high a 1,000
or about one in every four individuals rounded up for removal.
And this is supposed to be "The land of the Free." RIGHT!  
Please read the page (“When Tragedy Strikes”)
The American Indians have suffered greatly
under the white Man, far more then Blacks.
Did you know the  American Indians could not practice their own
Religion till the 1970’s! over a 100 years of Religious repression!
And as the White Man talked about HIS religious Freedom,
 did anyone care about the American Indians, and their Religious Freedom?
And not only that! But the US MADE American Indians go to
White schools to learn the White mans ways. HOGWASH!
It was to try to make the RED Man White! And keep him from his Religious freedom
So now what do we have? “Reservations” (Concentration Camps?)
We need American Indian Two Spirit  in the Tribe to share with us their knowledge.  

This next are the thoughts of the white man.
 Listen to the sound of uncaring-this IS the US!
" I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from
 them.(Indians) There were great numbers of people who needed new land,
and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves." ~John Wayne~
What you just read IS the thoughts of the people of the
 United States, and another reason
It has been said: "In most cases the only way for a young
 Indian to become a man and a warrior was to take a scalp
 or count coup, which meant to strike a living armed enemy.
 Until he had done so, he could not get a bride
 and he could not speak in council. He was literally a nobody.
 This is why Indians often said they could not live without war".
The Tribes last thoughts. If only the American Indians had embraced
 their own Religion, and not War,  things would have turned out far different.
This is what stopped them from banding together, and win the battle!
 I believe that if ALL Tribes had come together, their would at least  
be three states that would now be The Indian Nation, apart from the US.
That was the past. Today, we can go forward in life.
 We need Two Spirit American Indians in the Tribe!
We need ALL Gays of any age in the Tribe that want a change!
Paradise is not something you dream about, it MUST
 be something you work toward!
And no one will hand it to you, not even the
Tribe can do that, unless we all come together and
All of  us of all races, can bring so much to the Tribe, if we just DO IT!
This can be a new Future for American Indian Two Spirit, and ALL Gays.

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
 But a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12
And So this ends our thoughts on American Indians and the Tribe of the Maoy.
As you have read this, I hope you will understand
 how much the American Indian  Two Spirit
can give to the Tribe, for a better life NOW!
Vision without action is merely a dream
Action without vision just passes time
Vision with action can change the World!
change the way the world thinks about Gays!
For more information, on the Church or Life in the Tribe, please Write to:
Radioflyer@email.comor write: The Tribes of the Maoy
P. O. Box 2394
Las Cruces NM 88004
Please! Copy this and pass it on to ALL Gays who want real Freedom in their lives!
The Tribe NEEDS Two Spirit American Indians to be part of the Tribe and Teach us.
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to Help publish the main Web Site!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Ministers to teach us the Word of GOD!
And the Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to help build the Tribe!
Without member support, there is no Tribe.
If you want to change your life for the better, Contact the Tribe!
Check out the rest of our God pages and the Tribes pages! Learn what it will
Really be like living in the Tribe!
American Indian Proverbs and sayings
Life has carved sorrow, deep into my soul,
For better days.
For other ways.
For all the joy it would hold.
Eyes that have cried too many tears,
At moments sad
Times were bad.
Smiling now at forgotten fears.
Days once filled with pain and strife,
Dreams all shattered
Nothing mattered.
Now sing with love of life.
Healed by time and tenderness shared, Stronger now.
Knowing how.
All things were easier, when
Someone cared.

What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the winter time.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the

Crowfoot's Last Words
Earth Teach Me to Remember
Earth teach me stillness
as the grasses are stilled with light.
Earth teach me
as old stones suffer with memory
. Earth teach me humility
as blossoms are humble with beginning.
Earth Teach me caring
as the mother who secures her young.
Earth teach me courage
as the tree which stands alone.
Earth teach me limitation
as the ant which crawls on the ground.
Earth teach me freedom
as the eagle which soars in the sky.
Earth teach me resignation
as the leaves which die in the fall.
Earth teach me regeneration
as the seed which rises in the spring.
Earth teach me to forget myself
as melted snow forgets its life.
Earth teach me to remember kindness
as dry fields weep in the rain.

"How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong and wrong look right"Black Hawk

Contact the Tribe at:

This is a Web site under God, and follows Gay Freedom, American
Two Spirit Freedom and Religious Freedom,
as found in the constitution of the United States, and Our Civil Laws.
All pictures are believed to be in the public domain,
if we are in error, the picture will be removed upon request. Art and text are owned by
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
All Bible passages are from the New King James Version.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

god's gay tribe by Radioflyer Tribe Leader is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

 This is a Web site under God, and follows Gay Freedom, American
Two Spirit Freedom and Religious Freedom, as
found in the constitution of the United States,
And Civil Freedoms as found in our Laws.
All pictures, are believed to be in the public domain, and if we are in error,
the picture will be removed upon request. Art and text are owned by
And shall not be removed or copied for use other
 then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

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