Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Hard look at FREEDOM

This Page is brought to you by The FREE
This is a Web site under God, and follows Gay Freedom and Gay Religious Freedom, as found in the constitution of the United States, and
Found in the Civil Laws of this country.
All pictures are believed to be in public domain any that are not will be removed upon request.
Art and text are owned by the FREE and INDEPENDENT TRIBES and CHURCH of the MAOY
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

This is a hard look at Freedom,
something we must all read and think about
We will start with a very short story.
 " I live in a little apartment all alone. I have a good job,
and excellent job, with much free time. But in spite of my good
 working conditions and fine salary and really a good apartment,
 it is all a weary routine somehow, a drudgery which has no heart in it."
"There is the American Dream, fast fading in this country,
that's a hope that is hidden deep within the hearts of many Americans,
 that you have job security, also medical, hospital, and
retirement benefits. The people you work for will say:
"What more could men want?" The answer is that a
Gay men would like a measure of real Freedom
in their life’s.
No matter how many dangers Freedom might bring into your life,
it brings with it the feeling in Gays that they are ALIVE!
Danger is the price one pays for life. Without Freedom
no matter how secure you may think you are, you can still
feel deep in your heart that you would be better off dead.
The only real sense of well-being comes from the hope and fact of Freedom.
Do you have a Mighty Spirit? Can you dream
 dreams in the Tribe that will span the stars?
The Tribe can strike a mighty blow for Gay Freedom!
But just where is Freedom? It is always found outside a fence.
 What fences are we talking about? The barbed wire fence of Gay hate!
"I don't hate Gays, but a Faggot had better not move in next to me!"
The fence of Gay hate at work, at school and in
 the Church. The fence in the US of the Majority.
The Barbed  wire mental fence that keeps us out of real Freedom.
I can see in the Tribe Gays beginning to find Freedom.
I can see them begin to realize their secret longing,
to be to everyone in the Tribe who they were made to be.
This nation was founded by Free men. They built it out of their toil,
 their sweat and tears. The rulers of the old world they
had defied called them traitors, much like Gays are called
 Abominations today. This threat did not stop them.
They faced freezing cold and burning heat, they faced famine,
 they faced the wilderness. They wanted to be free and
they were willing to pay the price of Freedom!
There are people in this Government that will tell you that
 true Gay Freedon is a pipe dream.
No Gay is free unless he changes who he was made to be.
The Tribe says that if it is a pipe dream it is because our
 Government and Gay haters have made it such! It was a
dream that build this nation. It is the dream that must build
 the future Tribe. It is a dream that I am glad to serve!
Many Gays in this country are dead. They're dead
to the finer things in life, dead to justice, dead to fair play,
dead to the needs of their fellow Gays, dead to beauty,
dead to real life in a living, growing world, dead to the
fact that all around them is a big wonderful universe.
The Tribe believes that deep in the heart of all Gays
the yearning for real Freedom still exists.
The Tribe can bring that yearning to life and give it a voice to speak.
And all the voices of the Tribe members will become
a great roar! We must look past the fences
and see the Tribe of freedom--and of joy--that is to come.
Will the world know the true story about Gays?
 Has the world been told the true story about anything?
The Tribe suspects that what is called history is mostly lies colored
to suit national pride or interest. Of course true Gay scholars
know better, but who listens to them? For that matter,
who would write it, even if the true story was known?
The law of balance. This law says that nature always brings
 everything back to balance. The Tribe IS that balance.
Too many Gays in this country have so little
 freedom they hardly dare to breath.
The Tribe is a place of refuge, also a stepping stone to real Gay Freedom
 for Gays in the US and for millions of other Gays like us on Earth,
 if they can learn to accept Freedom. Will Gays accept Freedom?
The Tribe is not so sure about that. People learn to like their chains.
 Sometimes they fight you when you try to take their chains away
 from them, when you try to bring them across the fence.

For thousands of years men who were real men have died
 for Gay Freedom, so others can have that Freedom.

What color is hope? Hope has no color. Hope is an impulse springing
 from deep wells within the human mind, springing and falling away,
then springing up again like a fountain that never runs dry.
Gay men need life! They seek it desperately. They want
Freedom because Freedom means a better opportunity to use the life
they have, a better chance to let their Gay life express
 itself, a better opportunity to let life flow and grow.
Better we are an ape chattering in a tree--but a free ape—
then a Gay man chained to Society. Freedom means danger, always.
 The false security that comes from the absence of danger is a blind alley!
If it is in your mind and your heart that the Tribe is the thing
to do, then you must do it! The Tribe wants to awaken your
 deepest and best dreams, then to follow that dream.
 Loyalty to the Tribe is loyalty to your dream.
I know, the Tribe is always talking about freedom,
 but if Freedom to live our Gay lives as we are meant to is to mean anything,
 it also has to include the Freedom to die if we choose,
 that is true loyalty to the dream, a dream
that is in part a hope for Freedom and is in part a hope for
those gay boys living now, and as yet unborn, those who stand
outside the womb of time for entrance on this stage called Earth,
 for their part to play on the bigger stage called
This is another moment in which men lay the foundation
for a better life to come. lay it by dying, if need be, lay it by living, if we can,
 but lay it! Is it not true that what Gays always
wanted was to be accepted as a man among men?
But you will discover that to be accepted as a man among men,
you have to be a man! And you can do that in the Tribe.
Do you have the courage to come to the Tribe? Be a man in the Tribe?
The dream of the Tribe is greater than any of us!

For more information, on the Church or Life in the Tribe, please Write to:
or call the Tribe at 575-652-3785
or write: The Tribes of the Maoy P. O. Box 2394
Las Cruces NM 88004
Please! Copy this and pass it on to ALL Gays who want real Freedom in their lives!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to Help publish the main Web Site!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Ministers to teach us the Word of GOD!
And the Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to help build the Tribe!
The Tribe NEEDS Two Spirit American Indians to be part of the Tribe and Teach us.
If you want to change your life for the better, Contact the Tribe!
Check out the rest of our God pages and the Tribes pages! Learn what it will
Really be living in the Tribe!

This is a Web site under God, and follows Gay Freedom and Gay Religious Freedom, as found in the constitution of the United States, and
Found in the Civil Laws of this country.
All pictures are believed to be in public domain any that are not will be removed upon request.
Art and text are owned by the FREE and INDEPENDENT TRIBES and CHURCH of the MAOY
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

god's gay tribe by Radioflyer Tribe Leader is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

This is a Web site under God, and follows Gay Freedom and Gay Religious Freedom,
 as found in the constitution of the United States, and
Found in the Civil Laws of this country.
All pictures are believed to be in public domain any that are not will be removed upon request.
Art and text are owned by the FREE and INDEPENDENT TRIBES and CHURCH of the MAOY
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

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