Thursday, December 8, 2011

Life in the Tribe-2

The FREE and INDEPENDENT TRIBES and CHURCH of the MAOY, a Nonprofit Tribe.
To bring together ALL Gays of all ages, to live, play, and work together, without any Government,
city, state, or federal telling us who we will live with, how we will live, or where we will live;
 We MUST have a say in our lives!  The Goal of the Tribe is to find a place, outside the US,
 where we can live and form our own laws, and villages,
and country, without any outside interference in our lives.
 To be able to stand up and say, "I'm a Maoy Tribesman
and I'm Gay and Proud of it! I am FREE!
To this end, we dedicate our lives.

“No man is so young he cannot teach,
or so old he cannot learn.”

Please Pray with the Tribe
“We thank you Lord for all the things you do for us everyday.
We thank you for the Tribe, and what it can mean in all our lives.
We ask you Lord, to put the blood of Your Son on the
 Tribe and this site, to keep it safe from
Those that want to take it down, and keep you from this Tribe and God.
There are so many, Lord that would like to slam Gays down,
 to grand them in the dirt, if they could.
You are our Rock and our Foundation
Your wrath will stop the evil.
We praise you Lord every day.
 We say this in the name of Your Son,
Jesus Christ, Amen.”

This is a Web site under God, and follows
Religious Freedom, as found in the constitution
of the United States, and our  freedom under our Civil laws.
All pictures, are believed to be in public domain.
Any that are not, will be removed. art and text are owned
And shall not be removed or copied for use other
then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

"Earth teach me freedom as the eagle which soars in the sky."
Here's a question we can ask ourselves: "Am I living
an unsustainable life? Do we find ourselves saying:
I can't live in hiding like this much longer. I just can't keep this up much longer.
If I have to live in hiding like this one more year, it's going to kill me!
 "We need to make changes to live the kind of life God wants us to live.
 He wants us to live a peaceful and powerful life. Jesus said: in
John 14, verse 27: "Peace I leave with you.
 My peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
 neither let it be afraid...”
We're not supposed to be trying all
the time to make it through one more day.
Here is a news flash! As Gays in the Tribe,
We don't have to keep up with anyone else.
 Each of us, in the Tribe, needs to be who God
 created us to be, and we don't have to apologize for it.
The US and the world does not have to be our PRISON!
 There is a Gate where we can get out.
Let’s open the Gate to the Tribe of the Maoy. It will be our place
 where we will all be safe and happy, where every day will be a summer day.

"And even night, with depth of mystc gloom,
And even autumn, with it's slow decay;
Bring no more solemn message than the bloom,
And joyful splendour of a summer day."
Constance Naden
The Tribe of the MAOY may be on an Island!
The Island of the Maoy-A low, sun-flooded island
a soft green land with slopes rising in lush swells
 to restful blue-grey hills, forested and rich.
 As we go inland, past the lazy curve of beach
nestled between the widespread welcoming arms of land,
 past the villages close to the shore, past a low
 ridge of hills that opened beyond into broad flat plai
 of grass flowing away in their own sea to the misty hills......

.....Two 12 year old men in the Tribe, brave hunters,
Spotted Owl and Scarlet Fox, walked together,
 arm in arm. There is a certain peace of mind
 walking up and down the long green rolling slopes.
 The sun was bright and cheerful and white clouds
 dotted the sky, and the warm wind whispered
as they sat down upon a ridge. The grass stirred
about them rippling in long waves, and the talle
r flowers nodded. As they hunted game for the Tribe,
 they went north, west, and south, over the grassy
 flowering slopes. It was peaceful.
 They found that there were things to see if you looked for them.
There was the way the sky changed, never seeming
to look the same twice. Sometimes it was deep
 blue and white clouds sailed it like mighty ships,
 and then it would suddenly turn gray and rain
would drizzle on them, to be ended when a lance of
sunlight shot through the clouds and slashed them to flying ribbons.
 There was a time, while walking together, holding hands,
 feeling close to each other and the earth,
 when upon a ridge, they watched vast thunderheads
 boil up and darken in the west and black storm
 clouds marched across the land like an army with
 banners of lighting and drums of thunder.
As the storm approached, the two Boy Warriors
 found refuge in a grove of trees.
The wind gained in speed and became more furious, the rain
 came down almost as a solid wall of water.
 The storm clouds came together in a huge monstrous
 thunder clap and flash of lighting, lighting
up the freckled faces of the two frightened Boys
with its electric fury.
The air around them was charged with the tingling electricity.
 A tree close by fell over, smashing
against the ground with a loud crash!
The fury of the storm spent, the rain stopped.
 The clouds breaking, they got up and walked
out of the trees to God's glorious sunlight shining
down on them, drying out their water covered bodies,
they walked a short way from the trees.
 They felt the Spirit of the country strongly there.
 It was a presence around them, pervasive and demanding,
 like the presence of the sea. It inspired love
somehow in its rugged beauty. A fresh sunny day!
They felt free, really free for the first time. In the sunny, still afternoon,
 it was as if the world were holding its breath.
 As if time had stopped here. They stood gazing
around at the high ridges of the hills, the sun was low now,
 it threw a group of clustered mounds, at the base
of the hills, into deep shadow and increased
 the feeling of mystery surrounding their presence.
 Were they burial mounds? There were so many
 scattered across the meadows below the hills.
 Have hundreds of people, long dead, found resting places here?
 Who had built these time-eroded mounds
 from long, long ago? Where had they gone?
 With these questions in mind, listening to the wild bird calls,
 sharing the friendship and love only to be
found in the Tribe, they looked back toward the Tribe,
 their new home, looking forward to the nightly
 campfire, under God's Stars, this would have
 to be for another day, another story.........


On all the Pages of this web site will be the
theme of the American Indian, and there is a reason.
Of all the cultures, the American Indians
embraced Homosexuality! In the Indian culture,
you could be born of TWO-SPIRITS
or called Berdache. You were looked up to!
You were; conveyers of oral traditions and songs, healers
 or medicine persons, nurses during war expeditions,
conferred lucky names on children or adults,
 matchmaking,, mediator between lovers or married persons,
 made feather regalia for dances, special skills in games of chance,
ceremonial roles during and leading dances,
 they also did vision quests, and were prophets,
went on peace missions, and much more!
The bottom line is Gays were not hated,
 but part of the Tribe!
But this is not the only reason why. The white man came
to this country to rob, kill, steal, pillage and rape the land!
The Indian just wanted to live in peace with the land,
 not rape it! In the days of the white settlement,
the natives of North America found ownership of land
an incomprehensible concept, God owned the land,
 and so they lost it when the Europeans made them sign pieces
of paper that were equally incomprehensible to them.
The American Indians knew God in a different way then
We in the US do, closer to the earth, closer to all living things.
They did not have a Technology like the white man, they
did not have outward science,
but that did not make them savages,
as the white man thought, what that did was make
 them close to the earth, and close to God.
Far closer then the White man, with his
 Churches, and his Government,----and War.
When they made the decision to go to war against another
people it usually required
 eleven-days of prayer—allowing
time to reconsider one's decision and to consecrate
the lives that might be lost as a result of it.
 When has our Government EVER had a national payer
before going to war? Prayers were engaged in not primarily
 for personal salvation, but rather for the benefit of an entire
Tribe or nation. The Indian, in planting crops for food, Prayed to
 God to give them a bountiful harvest! We Pray to God and thank Him for
 the food we eat, but have we EVER Prayed for the crops to grow?

The Hunters
There were but two beneath the sky -
The thing I came to kill, and I.
I, under covert, quietly
Watched him sense eternity
From quivering brush to pointed nose
My gun to shoulder level rose.
And then I felt (I could not see)
Far off a hunter watching me.
I slowly put my rifle by,
For there were two who had to die -
The thing I wished to kill, and I.
We kill animals for food without any care,
we have our slaughter houses and butcher shops.
We kill all the time as Hunters with out any thinking about it.
The white man has never cared in this country, about the things he kills.

The American Indian hunters would Pray for
 the animal before they killed it, thanking
 God and the animal for being able to give them food.
 Only a people very close to God would do that. And WE called  them savages!
WE took their land away WE took their food
supply away The Buffalo. American Indian
did not get the vote in this country till 1927! We even took
their RELIGION away. Until 1979, it was illegal in the
 US for Native Americans to practice their traditional
religions, that's almost 100 years!
 WE MADE them go on the Warpath! WE made them SAVAGE!
So NOW is the time of change! The American Indian
has been beaten, but not defeated,
 has lost their land and their laws, but not their Spirit!
 Now, a merger of two worlds.
The American Indian two Spirited world,
and The Gay Tribe of the MAOY!
We are going to take on many of the Indian traditions.
There are things we will have to change.
"In most cases the only way for a young Indian
to become a man and a warrior was to take
 a scalp or count coup, which meant to strike
a living armed enemy. Until he had done so,
he could not get a bride and he could
not speak in council. He was literally a nobody.
 This is why Indians often said they could not live without war"
We will count coup in the Tribe, but the meaning
will be FAR different. It will be used to give Glory
to the Boy or Man of the Tribe, and to Give God Glory!
To be used as Real Praise for what they
have done and for the hunters, and their bravery.
When the Tribe honors a Tribe member, the whole
 Village will be there! Unlike the US, the Tribe believes that
 EVERY member has Special Talents and
God given Gifts that can be use to better
EVERYONE in the Tribe, as well as themselves! There will be more
ways to earn coup in the Tribe then you can think of
 and EVERY member can earn the respect of the Tribe
 and fellow Tribes Men. It will be a badge of Honor.
 We will do it with coup feathers! Each feather the
member wears in his head band will be a different color,
showing what the he  is being honored for.
The More feathers, the more Respect You will get!
 Now I know American Indians used Eagle Feathers, OOPS!
Can't do that now! So We will use feathers that are man made.
 HOWEVER, you can buy Eagle feathers,
but they REALLY COST Hell of a lot of Money! But ANY
member  that really Excels in the Tribe, Helps others,
does things over and beyond what others are doing,
will get a REAL Eagle Feather to wear Proudly in his head band!
An Honor and a Gift from the Tribe and God, to them.

NOTE:To be given an Eagle feather is the highest
 honor that can be awarded within The American Indians.
 Both Bald and Golden Eagles (and their feathers) are highly
 revered and considered sacred within American Indian
traditions, culture and religion.
They are honored with great care and shown the deepest respect.
They represent honesty, truth, majesty,
strength, courage, wisdom, power and FREEDOM!
Before We go on, this may look like a "Back to nature"
Tribe, and it is! But ONLY to a point! In the old days,
people would wash a small child in a tub
of hot water, then throw the water away,
and there was a saying
"Don't throw the Baby out with the bath water."
We will have solar power, computers, video games,
TV's etc. BUT it won't be the main focus of our lives,
like it is in the US! Technology is a gift from
 God, but like anything, it can be abused!
 As it is right now in the US! We will use Technology
for the betterment of the Tribe and its People.
There will not be any Police in the Tribe!
The American Indians did not need Police.
That was a white man's thing! And we won't either!
We will take care of, and help each other!
It says in God’s Word! "So why do you condemn
 another believer? (Tribe member)
 Why do you look down
 on another believer?
Remember, we will all stand
before the judgment seat of God."
 (Romans 14:10)
 Each of us in the Tribe is accountable to Christ, not to others.
Because each village will be small 600 Tribesmen, we will,
unlike the US know each other! Today, as I write this,
 I can call Hoa Pili the Tribe Leader in Hawaii, half the world away,
but don't even know the name of my next door neighbor!
 This is true of all large towns in the US,
and even many small towns, I lived in a small town in
Texas, no more then about 2,000 people.
 In the US, that's a small town! It was 40 miles from one side
 of town to the other! Wow! How can you get to know people
when the town is so spread out! Not knowing your fellow
 Tribesmen  breeds’ suspicion and mistrust! The point is this,
We have so many people in the US you can't get to
 know everybody! And so everyone,
except for a small circle of friends are STRANGERS!

There are two many people in the US!
 (310 Million)That's why we have so many
When you come to live in the Tribe, you will have the chance
to get to know everybody, and they, you! The American Indians did it right,
 they kept their villages small, so everybody knew each other,
We, in the Tribe, will learn from our red brother, and do the same!
"Let brotherly love continue.
 Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some have unwittingly
 entertained angels." Hebrews 13:1,2
Real love for others in the Tribe produces tangible actions,
 hospitality to new members coming into
the tribe, empathy for those who have been in prison,
and those who have been mistreated, and contentment with what you have.
What this means is, YOU get to pick your new name!
The only thing is, it must reflect nature,
like the American Indians did, like spotted owl
or running bear or weeping willow, etc.
Something that reflects who you are, or who you want
to become in the Tribe! Thoughts are things!
Who you want to be, you CAN make Happen!
My name is RadioFlyer, now
 I know that is not found in nature,
and it really has nothing to do with that little
red wagon, but the movie!
It's about a boy who was battered by his mothers boy friend,
even to the point he was in the hospital
because of it. But he built a plane and flew away!
He found his escape,
he found his FREEDOM!
The Freedom we will find in the Tribe!
This is a Tribe where Gays can start over!
Unlike the US, where your past follows
You all of Your life, You come into the
Tribe a new person! Your past is
left where it should be, IN THE PAST!
You may have been convicted of any number
of things, some small, some large.
everything is forgotten, and forgiven!
This is a place to start over again! Not to continue those
same things that got You into trouble in the first place!
"Therefore let us not judge one another
 anymore, but rather resolve this,
 not to put a stumbling block or a cause
 to fall in our brother’s way." (Romans 14:13)
A word about Jails. In the US We put more people
 in Jail then any other country!
Why? Because there are too many people, and too many Laws
 We are putting more and more people
in jail then ever before! It's so bad now, that
Government can't handle that many prisoners,
so many Jails are privately owned! In California and Texas,
Jails are the biggest growing Business!
There was not a town in Texas I was at that did
not advertise for jobs working in a Jail!
"Explosive growth in the number of people on probation or parole has propelled
the population of the American corrections system to more than 7.3 million."
"In the past two decades, state general fund spending
on corrections increased by more than 300
percent, outpacing other essential government services
from education, to transportation and public assistance."
 (Jessica Riordan,Washington, DC - 03/02/2009 )

in the Tribes of the MAOY!
In GOD'S WORD it says in Romans 12:17 to 21:
 "Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for
good things in the sight of all men.
 If it is possible, as much as depends on you,
live peaceably with all men. Beloved,
 do not avenge yourselves, but rather give up wrath;
for it is written, 'Vengeance is Mine,
I will repay,' says the Lord Therefore,
'If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
 If he is thirsty, give him a drink;
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.'
 (Proverbs 25:21, 22) Do not be overcome by evil,
 but overcome evil with good."
 Humanly speaking it seems ridiculous to
return good for evil, but throughout history this
 method has been proven to succeed.
The heart of the offender is softened when we show him Love.
The Truth is, those who mistreat us would
feel better if we would hurt them in return.
In the US today there are 1,612,071 people in Prison!
The US imprisons more people than any other country!
More than 1 in 100 adults are behind bars!
Again, We are going to do like the American Indians

We can't just dump them in Jail like the US! In the Peace Villages,
they will get help from Medicine Men trained in helping those in trouble!
This also means that if you break Laws
 of the Tribes, and you truly repent, The Tribe
will forgive you! But you will go to the Peace Village
for help so that will not happen again. You will not go to Jail.
The Tsalagi teach: "In the days before the
 Hoop of the Nation was broken,
there was no need for Prison or Mental Hospitals
 because the sacred precepts and principles,
and the care of extended family and nation maintained
harmony in the lives of the people. If some one stepped
outside the bounds of good law, if someone became lost, all the relatives
and friends would come to guide them. Even the most heinous criminals
could make their way to the place of sanctuary to the peace village.
There they could pass a year in ceremony and
 spiritual practice to remove that negative pattern of thought.
That illusion based on pride, so that they
could come again and be accepted as whole by all the Tribe."
This is something we MUST do in the Tribe!
We All  need to be able to be saved from their own mistakes!
Not put in Jail for the rest of their lives!
We MUST follow the Bible! In GOD’S WORD,
Jesus said, in Matthew 18, verse 21 and 22:
Then Peter came to Him and said,
"Lord, how often shall My brother sin against
Me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?" Jesus told Him
"I do not say to You, up to seven times,
but up to seventy times seven."
We, in the Tribe, should always forgive those who are
 truly repentant, no matter how many times they ask.
We need the American Indians to Join the Tribe of the MAOY!
The Peace Villages will have no bars,
no fences with razor wire, nothing but Tribesmen
 who want to help you.  It's to truly help you.
The US just "Dumps" people in Jail now, with no thought of giving any help.
If you run away from the Medicine Village, that means you
don't really want to repent, But you can return for help.
or if you return to the Village you were at and break the same
law again, and again, repent, the Tribe will forgive you!
But again, you will have to return for help.
Or if you refuse help, that shows that you won't repent,
then you must be  Expelled from the Tribe! Or if you break the
main law of the Tribe “NEVER HARM A BOY” you are out!
In other words, Kicked out! You will be sent away from
the Tribe and dropped off, to fend for yourself.
Sorry, but you HAD YOUR CHANCE!
Jesus told us to forgive seventy times seven,
but if you still break the Laws of the Tribe,
and keep harming other Tribe members, that means your repenting is false,
and for the good of the Tribe, you have to go. When Jesus walked on the earth,
He showed more love than anyone else has ever shown.
 He was shamefully mistreated,
yet He loved us enough to die on the cross for our sins.
He now wants His Children of the Tribes of the MAOY, to love one another.
"You can give without loving,
but you can't love without giving."
Also, in God's word: "Therefore, accept each other just as
         Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory."
(Romans 15:7) Remember, it's not what you say or think, but what you
         DO that will show the Tribe who you really are.
There are other things We will Bring into the
 Tribe from the American Indians, Like the Sweat Lodges.
A Place where You fast (that is not to eat food for some days) and then in the lodge,
with the fire burning, and the flames leaping high!
With the sweat poring down your body, you can find
yourself, maybe for the first time! Also
We will have the Vision Quest. In the Bible, we have the gift of Prophecy,
this is the Gift from God! And the Vision Quest,
will Focus  Prophecy in your life! Let you know what you MUST do.
This, also, we MUST bring into the Tribe!
The Cherokee Indians (Now called Tsalagi) teach

"The happy child always has something to
share-toys, smiles, insight.
Even in the poorest Tribal household there
is always enough in the pot to feed a guest.
We are most joyful when we share
 with one another, possessions can be poison.
if the heart knows
not how to share-then that heart is closed
off from receiving, and closes off the free flow
of others giving. The fire of mind grows dim with
selfishness, but grows bright stirred by The winds of generosity
What we also must do, is Like the American Indian, bring
EVERYONE together in Song!
When I was growing up, in the 50's and 60's most songs were LOVE songs!
 No hate! No rap!
No heavy metal! Truly LOVE songs! In the 50's and 60's,
 I can't EVER remember any Hate Music!
I'm hoping that the Tribe will be on an Island, an Island of LOVE!
I know there are Gays  reading this that have Much God
 Given Talent for Playing and Singing!
We can have you play and sing for the whole Village!
 It will be great! We can make Music Videos!
(I used to do that and was nominated for a Television Award for them!)
To Play in other villages,
and the World Would it not be great, if in coming to the Tribe,
You as a Gay tribe member, could make a hit song heard around the world?
"As I walk the trail of life in the fear of the wind and rain,
grant to me God, that I may always walk like a man."
Life in the Tribe will be very different then life in the US.
In the Tribe of the MAOY, No Tribe member must ever have to live alone!

In the Book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 4, Verses 9-11,
"Two people are better off than one,
 for they can help each other succeed!
If one person falls, the other can reach out and help!
But someone who falls alone has NO ONE to help him up!
Likewise, two people lying close together can
keep each other warm! But how can one be warm ALONE?"

Life in the Tribe is designed for companionship, not isolation! For intimacy, not loneliness!
Intimacy, Companionship, LOVE IS the Tribe of the Maoy!
It also says in Ecclesiastes Chapter 4, Verse 12: "A person standing ALONE
 can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer!
Three are even  better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken!"
And the Tribe, like this cord, braided together in LOVE
cannot be defeated! Cannot be Destroyed!
How  can we do it? How can we live together?
Men will want to live together, Love together.
There will be complete sex education for ALL Gays who come into the Tribe!
The US does not teach sex education anymore. They only teach  to Abstain.
Remember Knowledge is power! Without the right
 knowledge, you will make mistakes; you will do the wrong
thing! We need our members to KNOW! So they
can come to us and tell the elders when someone has tried to
 do something to them they did not want, or tried to
 "talk them" into doing something that would hurt them.
 Anyone who does do that is expelled from the Tribe!
 In this way, we will be able to stop a problem before it happens! Not like the US.
They only do something after the damage has been done!
In this way we will bring our Tribe members
 together in a friendship that will last a life time!
Many Gays are living in Hell on the street because they were
 kicked out, of their home or job or or school.
  These are the Gays We, as God's Gay Tribe, Must Help!
A word about growing old in the Tribe
It's sad but true, that in the US and many others countries,
when You get old, NO ONE WANTS YOU ANYMORE!
Look at the ads on TV! Almost all are centered around young people!
This was not true in the time of Jesus, but is today!
Old people now are put out to pasture.
Yet, all our great inventions were invented by old people!
Older people have built up years of WISDOM!
 The American Indians knew this!
They would never throw out someone
 because he was old! And I believe
it's worse be old and be Gay, then really
 no one wants you, unless you are rich!
            We MUST change this in the Tribe!
                  We, in the Tribe, must take care of our elders!

Let's talk about SIN! Just what IS sin?
Anything that goes against God?
Yes. Anything that does harm to another?
Yes. Anything that tries to fool another? Yes.
Anything that tries to make someone do
 something they don't want to do? Yes.
Any time you try to make someone
 have sex when they don't want it?
(In other words, LUST) Yes.
Breaking any of the Ten Commandments? Yes.

The time of lies about God, the Bible and Gays IS OVER!
The time of thinking that Gays only want Sex is OVER!
The Day of the Tribe is here!
NOW there is a place where Gays can go to find love that our ever
 changing laws, CAN'T EVER TAKE AWAY FROM YOU!
I know that all Gay Men reading have seen in these pages,
the miracle of the Tribe, and be grateful,
and never go back! We in the Tribe must have Faith. Faith in the miracle
of the Tribe, a miracle of redemption and Freedom!
And Membership in the Tribe will ALWAYS be FREE! ANY Gay Boy or Man can join!
And have (while we are in the US) all the FREEDOMS in the Tribe that the US will allow us to have,
 and when we form our own Country ALL the extended FREEDOMS to be found only in the Tribe!

For more information, on the Church or Life in the Tribe, please Write to:
 write: The Tribes of the Maoy P. O. Box 2394
Las Cruces NM 88004
Please! Copy this and pass it on to ALL Gays who want real Freedom in their lives!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to Help publish the main Web Site!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Ministers to teach us the Word of GOD!
And the Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to help build the Tribe!
The Tribe NEEDS Two Spirit American Indians to be part of the Tribe and Teach us.
If you want to change your life for the better, Contact the Tribe!
Check out the rest of our God pages and the Tribes pages! Learn what it will
Really be living in the Tribe!

This is a Web site under God, and follows
Religious Freedom, as found in the constitution
of the United States, and our  freedom under our Civil laws.
All pictures, are believed to be in public domain.
Any that are not, will be removed. art and text are owned
And shall not be removed or copied for use other
then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.

god's gay tribe by Radioflyer Tribe Leader is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

This is a Web site under God, and follows Religious Freedom, as found
in the constitution of the United States, and the Civil laws
Of Freedom in this country.
All pictures, are believed to be in public domain. Any that are not, will be removed, by request.  
Art and text are owned by the FREE and INDEPENDENT TRIBES and CHURCH of the MAOY
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.


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