To all the Gays, of all ages may these words and this web site be
a signpost that you may find your way home to a Tribe that Loves You.
May these teachings, hopes and dreams
come true, kindle within your heart a great joy
in the gift of life, the Gay life you have been blessed with, a new
Family where You can live and learn, and Love.
And to renew in this time, God's sacred hoop of life.
a Non Profit TRIBE and CHURCH. To bring together
Gays of all ages, to live, play, work, Worship, and love together,
without any Government, city, state, or federal telling us who we will live with,
how we will live, or where we will live; only God can do that.
The Goal of the Tribe is to find a place, outside the US,
where we can live and form our own laws, and villages,
without any outside interference in our lives. To be able
to stand up and say,
"I'm a Maoy Tribesman and I'm Gay and Proud of it! I am FREE!To this end, we dedicate our lives.
This is a Web site under God, and follows Religious Freedom, as found in the
constitution of the United States, and Civil Freedoms as found in our laws.
All pictures are believed to be in the public domain if we have
added a picture in error, let us know and we will remove it.
Art and text are owned by
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
All Bible passages are from the New King James verson.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.
Please Pray with the Tribe
“We love you Lord for all the things you do for us.
Lord, this is a Gay Freedom and Gay Religious Freedom Site.
We ask you to put the blood of your
Son Jesus Christ on this site to keep it safe
From any Person, Corporation, Church or Government that would take it down. Many Gays need
Freedom and need a chance to read this site, and to get to know you, Lord.
We ask you this in the Name of Your son, Jesus Christ, Amen.”
These are the Pages of the
Tribes and Church of the Maoy
It has been said that God HATES Gays! And that's just wrong! That's what most Churches
want you to believe, they want to keep God for themselves, and keep Homosexuals away from Jesus, but that's
NOT TRUE! And later in this page The Tribe will PROVE IT!
God does Love Gays for who they are! And The Tribe WILL prove it, with the WORD OF GOD!We must all, as Gay men in theUS realize that we cannot EVER
God does Love Gays for who they are! And The Tribe WILL prove it, with the WORD OF GOD!We must all, as Gay men in the
win the battle of equality without showing the world that God IS on our side!
Today is Sunday, and I go to Church every Sunday, and today, as every week I
see Boys hugging Boys, Boys hugging
Men, and Men hugging men. I know that none of these Boys and Men are Gay, but they
are showing Love for each other. I never see this outside the Church.
And Membership in the Tribe will ALWAYS be FREE!
And Membership in the Tribe will ALWAYS be FREE!
ANY Gay can join! And have (while we are in the US)
all the FREEDOMS in the Tribe that the US will allow us to have, and when
we form our own Country ALL the extended
FREEDOMS to be found only in the Tribe! Read on and find out how,
The FREE and INDEPENDENT Tribes of the MAOY can do this!
The Tribe believes that you come to God because you want to, not because you have to.
In Islam, you must come to their God or go to Jail or be killed. This is an ABOMINATION to God!
Coming to, and living in the Tribe, you do not have
to come to God, but he will be there if you want him.
Why GOD does love Gays!
I know that their are Gays out there, thinking "God didn't care about me all these years,
why should I come to him now?" I'm 64 years old, and for over 50 years, I felt the same way!
All my life I've taken care of Myself! I hated it when I had to ask someone for help!
I was the KING of My life! Until, one day I was dethroned,
something happened that I could not take care of,
something that I could find NO HELP in from anybody! And trying to solve this problem,
was breaking Me! I had nowhere to go but to God! And He helped! And I praised him for it!
I never would have survived with out Him! But even then, after a while, My faith started to falter,
I started to lose My belief that God loved Me. And then, THAT'S when
He gave Me the Great REVELATION! To bring Him a New Tribe of all Gays! And from that time till now,
I KNOW God Loves Me and All Gay Boys and Men! And I will now, NEVER give up on the Tribe or Him!
If right now, your back is against the wall, with no place to go, If You are thinking about killing
Yourself, WAIT! Come to the Tribe! Start a new life! God and the Tribe CAN HELP! Don't EVER
give up on life! Your life HAS VALUE! something NOT to throw away! Maybe all you need is
a new beginning! Come to the Tribe and start Your life over.
Let me tell you the reason God loves Gays.
The white settlers who invaded this country, and took it away from the Indians,
are part of the Tribes of Israel And that is a large part of the problem,
in the US today! And this is the reason for the Tribe!
Follow along with me, as I have to give You some of God's History. Understand,
I'm keeping this short and simplified, at this time without Bible Verses.
We have to go back to the Old Testament, back to the
Tribes of Israel. These were GOD'S chosen people!
HIS Tribe! And over and over again, they slapped God in the face! He told them
"Stay pure, NO Marriages and children outside of the Tribe!"
So what did they do? They had Marriages and children outside of the Tribe!
He told them,
"Put no other God before Me, and do not worship false Idols!"
So what did the do? Obtained other Gods and Idols from the people they had
Marriages with from out side of the Tribe, and worshipped them! This went on,
and on and on! When they needed food, He gave them Bread from Heaven! Manna!
But that was not good enough! God did everything for
His Tribe, all He wanted was for them to Love Him,
but they just kept on doing the things he hated!
So he gave up on the Tribes of Israel . He brought His only Son, Jesus
Christ, to Earth to Die for the Sins of all of Us! In this way, he opened up
His worship to the whole world! Now
He has MILLIONS of followers! Great! Or is it?
With all these followers, who truly Love Him,
He no longer has a Tribe to call His own.
And GOD Wants that! He wants His own Tribe Again! But this time,
a People who will be Grateful to Him and really Love Him!
And that's YOU and ME! But you can ask, why Gays?
For Two Reasons: One: God has given Me a Revelation, that
God wants a new Tribe and that He does not hate Gays for being
Gay, or by having Sex together, what GOD Hates is IMMORALITY
Plain and simple. What is the Immorality He hates? When You tell someone
You Love them, just to get Sex, when You REALLY feel NO Love at all!
THIS is an Abomination that God Hates! God takes Love
VERY serious! Look at our world today, Straights are FAR
more immoral then Gays! If two Men come together without LOVE,
That's Immoral in the Eyes of God! If a Man and Woman, come together without
LOVE, That's Immoral to God! BUT also, the Woman can get
Pregnant as well! And can have an Abortion! Breaking one of Gods Biggest
Commandments, "You shall not kill!" (Deuteronomy 5:17)
Or they can let the child grow up with NO Parental Love, and THIS
is the biggest Abomination of all! To bring an unloved
and unwanted child into this world! Gays can't do that!
Now we come to the Second Reason:
There is now evidence to show that we, as Gay
Boys and Men, were BORN that way!
And that makes all the difference in the World!
(And I thank God that our being born Gay has, as yet, not been
pinned down to where they can tell when we are still in the womb
that we are Gay, or there will be a mass genocide
against Gays as this world has never seen!)
The Bible has been misunderstood, or miss-translated.
God does not hate you for being Gay. To understand what is happening,
let's go to the New Testament, the Book of Matthew, Chapter 12,
starting with Verse 24. Jesus has been performing miracles and
He had just freed a Demon Possessed man of His possession.
The Religious Leaders were accusing Jesus of getting His power from Satan.
Now, Read this! This is the most important
part of the Bible and Gays! The Bible reads:
"This fellow does not cast out devils,
but by Satan the prince of the devils!"
Now, read what Jesus tells them!
And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them,
"EVERY kingdom (Including Gods!)
Divided against itself is brought to desolation and Destruction;
and every city or house (or the Tribe of the Maoy!)
and every city or house (or the Tribe of the Maoy!)
divided against itself shall not stand!"
Now Verse 26 is MOST important!
"And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against
himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?"
"Know you that the LORD he is God: it is he that has
made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people,
and the sheep of his pasture." (From Psalms 100 verse 3)
I'm not saying this, God is, in His Word! He also says:
"By you have I been held up from the womb:
you are he that took me out of my mother's bowels:
my praise shall be continually of you."
my praise shall be continually of you."
(from Psalms 71, verse 6)
What this means for Gays, is this:
God HAS made us! He HAS made us Gay!
He has made us Gay for a reason!
make that, which is an Abomination in His Eyes!
He can't make us Gay, and then tell us it's a sin if we don't change!
If he does, then its GOD casting out GOD,
His Kingdom is divided against itself, and CANNOT stand!
The BIBLE is wrong!
Since the Bible CANNOT be wrong, then something
has been left out, or the interpretation is wrong!
Or the translation, which changes the word of God is wrong!
I believe that all have happened!
Straight people can't understand why We don't change, why
We will put Ourselves in danger, being Gay, why
We put up with the hate, being Gay. They can't understand that,
And when we form the Tribe outside the
US, we will look for the reason God made us Gay.
Here's a reply to an article about Adam Lambert, kissing another man:
"When I was growing up I thought to myself- what do I want for myself in this life?
I know!! I want to grow up gay so lots of people hate me and pick on me and beat me up
. I want to go to church and have the man I look up to (my priest or pastor)
to tell me what a horrible person I am and that I'm damned to Hell.
Wow- what a great life I'm going to have as a gay person. I think I'll "choose"
this life for myself- because its sooo much better than being straight and
accepted and never having to be judged or picked on or kicked out of my parents house
and their life and my church. It will be so much better than not being shouted
at on the streets what a disgusting excuse for a human life I am.
No- I'd rather be gay so that I feel hatred every day. This makes such perfect sense. IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!"
The Bible has been changed by interpretation.
Look at first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 9 King James Version:
"Know you not that the unrighteous shall
not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived:
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers,
nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind."
The term Effeminate is most often used by people who subscribe
to the conventional view that men should conform to traditional
masculine traits and behaviors. And may be used to describe entire societies
as an inflammatory allegation. It does not mean You are Gay!
In the New King James Version, the word Effeminate was changed to
"Homosexual" There IS NO word for homosexual
in the old Hebrew or Greek language!
The word ‘homosexuality’ is a modern term and did not
exist during biblical times. Biblical writers had no concept
of sexual orientation or sexual development as we understand
those today. Homosexuality was not even an issue in those days,
as it is today. This verse has been CHANGED, and by doing so,
And God said,
in Revelations, Chapter 22, Verses 18 & 19:
"If anyone adds anything to what is written
here, God will add to that person the plagues
described in this book. And if anyone removes any
of the words from this book of prophecy;
God will remove that person's share
in the tree of life and in the holy
city that are described in this book."
OR TAKE AWAY FROM the Word of God,
it is an ABOMINATION in His eyes!
The Webster's Student Dictionary says: "Effeminate: Behaving in a feminine way."
Webster's 21st Century Dictionary says: "Having feminine qualities"
In another Webster's Dictionary: "Marked by qualities more typical of women than men."
At NO TIME is being Gay mentioned. Yet, this verse has been
and used against Homosexuals by the Church for Years!
Let's now look at the most damning verse used against Gays!
King James, Old Testament, Leviticus, Chapter 20 Verse 13:
"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth
with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination"
But, we are BORN Gay, and God DOES NOT make an
Abomination! So how can this be?
If something were left out, like one word, or meaning.
Something has been removed or left out from the Bible,
or the interpretation has been changed over many hundreds of years
or, in more modern times, the translation has changed the word of God against Gays!
What I Believe this Verse really says: “If a man also lie with mankind,
as he lieth with a woman, CARNALLY! Both of them have committed
an abomination." Carnally means of the Flesh, with NO LOVE! ONLY LUST!
Then this would make sense! Two Men (or even a Man and a Woman)
having Sex for body pleasure, only, without Love WOULD be an abomination to God!
He wants us to love each other first! There are many churches in this
country that do not want Gays to come to God!
There are even some Churches that
Use Brain Washing to try to change a Gay into a Straight, it has
been shown that this does not work, and only adds trauma to
That persons life!
But some people want to change the word of God,
to fit their own beliefs, like this sticker.
The trouble is, these Churches don’t care about the harm they are doing,
and I believe they truly do not walk with God.
This type of changing the Word of God, is an ABOMINATION in his eyes!
The people who make this and display this hate are the REAL demons!
God takes Love very serious! But what about two Men really in Love?
Does God Really Love Us? It says in His WORD: Romans Chapter 8, Verse 39:
"Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
There are many verses in the Bible about God's Love for Us!
How about Titus Chapter 3 Verse 4
"But after that the kindness and love of God our
Savior toward man appeared, Not by works of
righteousness which we have done,
but according to his mercy he saved us."
I could go on and on, but from these verses, You can see that God Loves Us!
He wants this hate to end! Why now? Why have so many Gay Boys and
Men turned there back on God and turned to Satan over the years?
Because up till now there was NO WAY to prove to any straight man,
or the Church, that You are BORN GAY and DID NOT choose to be Gay!
But NOW! We can truly be a United People!
Tribes and Church of the MAOY!
The Tribe is truly a LOVE Tribe, like the world has never seen.
And because we are a LOVE Tribe, we must follow the God's Laws of Love!
God wants us to Love each other! In John 13 verse 12, Jesus said:
"A new commandment I give you, that you
Love one another, as I have loved you
that you should also Love one another."
When We come together in the Tribe, We come together in LOVE!
This statement IS the Tribe! And as for ALL Members of the Tribe?
Let's look at Philippians 2 verse 2:
"Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly
with each other, loving one another, and working
together with one mind and purpose."
This means we MUST work together!
We can't have any hate for one another in the Tribe,
or our House will be divided, and fall, just like the US is falling now!
The Tribe must be United together! It goes on, in verse 3 & 4:
"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others.
Be humble, thinking of others as better
than yourselves. Don't look out only
for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too."
What are those others? ALL the Members of the Tribe!
A word about Love in the Tribe. Let's get one thing straight,
A word about Love in the Tribe. Let's get one thing straight,
You can have Love without Sex and Sex without Love!
The word has been so twisted by the US, that it has so
many meanings as to almost have NO meaning at all! Love and
Sex has been so intermixed over the years,
that it is time we “unmixed” the word Love.
All use of the word Love in the Tribe refers ONLY to Love,
the true Love we show for each other and God. NOT SEX!
The Bible is the LOVE book the Tribe will use,
because it really tells the Truth about Love!
And also, at no time in the Bible is Love intermixed
with sex! Love in the Bible means REAL Love!
What does the Bible say about Love? In First John, 3 verse 18:
"My Children, let Us not Love in word
or in tongue, but in deed and in truth."
What does this mean? That when You Love some one in the Tribe,
You SHOW IT! Don't just SAY IT! This is very hard for Fathers in the
US, it was for My Dad! A Boy can grow up thinking that his Father
does not love him, if the Father Never Shows It! This will not happen in the Tribe!
Here's another one, that I truly do believe! First John 4 verse 8:
"He who does not Love does not know God, for God is Love."
A Sociopath CANNOT know Love! He pretends Love! So unless the
person REALLY wants to change, He can't know God.
Here's another one. First John 4 verse 20:
"If someone says 'I Love God,' and
hates his brother (or fellow Tribe member), He is a liar;
for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen,
how can he love God whom he has not seen."
how can he love God whom he has not seen."
This is so true in the US today! Hate comes easy, Love is hard for
many people, but without Love for your fellow Man, all the talk in the
world about Loving God, means nothing! What does the word LOVE
and the Tribe mean? The Bible says it best in First Corinthians 13:
"Love suffers long and is kind; Love does not envy;
Love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its
own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; Does not rejoice in iniquity,
but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes
all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails. Pursue Love."
"I can speak with the voice of angels, but have not Love,
I am only a meaningless noise.
If I understand all mysteries and have all knowledge and
all Faith, so I could remove mountains, but have not
Love, I am nothing. If I gave everything
I have to the poor, and even sacrificed my body,
but have not Love, I would have gained NOTHING." The hardest thing for people to do is to Love without anything in return.
People are still confused about Love. Love is the greatest of
all human qualities, and is part of God Himself.
True love’s the gift which God has given to
man alone beneath the heaven.
-Sir Walter Scott
We must all, as Gay men and Boys realize that we cannot EVER win the battle
of equality without showing the world that God IS on our side! Remember this:
"If God is with us, then what can stand against Us?
If God is for us, who can BE against Us?
And if our God is with us, who then shall we fear?"
It says in God's word: "The people (Gays) who walk in
It says in God's word: "The people (Gays) who walk in
darkness will see a great light. For those who
live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine." (Isaiah: 9:2)
Don't you see? The Tribe of the Maoy IS that great light that will shine in the
Don't you see? The Tribe of the Maoy IS that great light that will shine in the
hearts of all Gays living in the Tribe.
All the Tribe asks is, can you come to the Tribe, and give God a chance?
And if we back up the Tribe with Religious Freedom,
the US CAN NOT stop us!
The Question is, can we really do it? Can we build a Tribe and a
Church of ONLY homosexuals?
Once we were not a people, but a people now are we,
Gay Boys and Men, Gods Tribe, a new community,
Once we feared condemnation, on earth and from above,
Now God's grace and mercy shows the Tribe the way of Love.
We are a Holy Tribe, empowered and called by God,
As prophets, teachers, and healers, to spread the Tribe abroad;
Live and work together, God called us from the night.
of gloom and isolation, to the Tribe of His wondrous light.
We were an exiled people, with bitter tears baptized,
Today as through the ages, rejected and despised;
But now we have God's Tribe and God's new people without shame,
To claim God's way of loving and to boldly speak His name.
We are Gods new people, from every class and race,
from many sects and cultures, now gathered in one place.
The Tribe challenges one another to bend and grow and be
a Tribe where all Gay Boys and Men can find a family.
Once we were not a people, God's people now are we,
a proud, determined Tribe, Destined to be free.
A gentle, loving people with Justice as our aim,
a Gay and Righteous Tribe, united in Christ name.
Paradise is not something you dream about,
it MUST be something you work toward!
And no one will hand it to you, not even the Tribe can do that,
unless we all come together and
All of us of all races, can bring so much to the Tribe, if we just DO IT!
This can be a new Future for American Indian Two Spirit, and ALL Gays.
“Hope deferred makes the heart sick.
But a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.” Proverbs 13:12
Vision without action is merely a dream
Action without vision just passes time
Vision with action can change the World!
CAN change the way the world thinks about Gays!
This has been the first page on why God Loves Gays, and why
Loves you also.
For more information, on the Church or Life in the Tribe, please Write to:
or write: The Tribes of the Maoy
P. O. Box 2394
Please! Copy this and pass it on to ALL Gays who want real Freedom in their lives!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to Help publish the main Web Site!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Ministers to teach us the Word of GOD!
And the Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to help build the Tribe!
The Tribe NEEDS Two Spirit American Indians to be part of the Tribe and Teach us.
If you want to change your life for the better, Contact the Tribe!
Check out the rest of our God pages and the Tribes pages! Learn what it will
Really be living in the Tribe!
god's gay tribe by Radioflyer Tribe Leader is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
This is a Web site under God, and follows Religious Freedom,
as found in the constitution of the United States, and Civil Freedom as found in our laws.
All pictures are believed to be in the public domain if we have added a picture
in error let us know and we will remove it. Art and text are owned
And shall not be removed or copied for use other then personal use or promoting the Tribe.
All Bible passages are from the New King James version.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.
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