We are a Friendly Tribe, made up of Gays of all races,
who wish to come together in real freedom.
The Tribes mission is to bring Freedom to all Gays.
To ALL Gays, may these words and this web site be a signpost
that you may find your way home to a Tribe that Loves You.
May these teachings, hopes and dreams come true,
kindle within your heart a great joy in the gift of life,
the Gay life you have been blessed with, a new Family where
You can work, learn, and live together. And to renew in this time,
God's sacred hoop of life.
The FREE and INDEPENDENT TRIBES of the MAOY, a Non Profit Tribe.
To bring together ALL Gays of all ages, to live, play,
and work together, without any Government, city, state,
or federal telling us who we will live with, how we will live, or
where we will live; We MUST have a say in our lives!
The Goal of the Tribe is to find a place, outside the US,
where we can live and form our own laws, and villages,
without any outside interference in our lives. To be able
to stand up and say, "I'm a Maoy Tribesman
to stand up and say, "I'm a Maoy Tribesman
and I'm Gay and Proud of it! I am FREE!To this end, we dedicate our lives.
This is a Web site under God, and follows Religious Freedom,
as found in the constitution of the United States, and
Civil Freedoms as found in our laws.
All pictures are believed to be in public
domain, any picture that is not,
will be removed by request. Art and text are owned by
And shall not be removed or copied except for personal use or use promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.
First, some background on what is happening in this Country
"If Rian Romoli accidentally bumps into a child,
he quickly raises his hands above his shoulders,
I don't want to give even the slightest indication
that any inadvertent touching occurred."
"Ted Wallis, a doctor in Austin, Texas, recently came upon a lost child in tears in a mall,
His first instinct was to help, but he feared people might
consider him a predator. He walked away. Being male, he explains, I am guilty."
In San Diego, retiree Ralph Castro says he won't allow himself to be alone with a child-even in an elevator .
There really IS no answer in this Country today, Except
living outside the US in the Tribe! Our culture teaches children
to fear Men, so men are now fearful of children!
Even fathers now think twice before holding
even their OWN children's hands in Public!
Frank McEnulty, a Boy Scoutmaster says, "Today I wouldn't do that job for anything,
All it takes is for one kid to get ticked off at you
for something and tell his parents you molested him!"
At Huston Intercontinental Airport, businessman Mitch Reifel was having a
meal with his 5-year-old daughter when a policeman showed up to question him.
A passerby had reported his interactions with the child seemed "suspicious."
What has happened in this country?
Each Village in the Tribe will be small (300 to 600 per village)
as talked about on other pages, so everyone will know each other,
We will follow the Boy Scouts
in how to be with Young Adults.
If ANYONE joins the Tribe, and flaunts the US Sex laws,
(while in the US) he will be expelled from the Tribe.
If ANYONE joins the Tribe and flaunts The Tribes Main Law,
"Boys are sacred!" Will be expelled from the Tribe!
The Tribe is standing at the crossroads, we believe that we have the
God given right to live together, not just as Men, but as Boys and Men!
The Hoop of History has come full circle!, As the US was founded on
oppression from England, the Tribe right now needs to get away from oppression from the US!
If the US does ANYTHING to stop the Tribe from moving out of the US,
to form our on country, the US might as well throw the CONSTITUTION out the window!
Gay Boys and Men MUST have a say in there lives!
All Gay Boys as well as Gay Men need FREEDOM in their Lives!
We NEED the Tribe NOW! We need a place to live (not the US!)
where We can live, work, and play together!
Where Boys do not have to fear Men, and Men do not have to fear Boys!
The Tribe does NOT now or at ANY time advocate any change
in the US sex laws however Draconian they are,
and will expel ANYONE who attempts to
advocate in the Tribe, any such changes.
The Tribe needs to change the lives of its people by moving them
AWAY from the US! Not trying to CHANGE the US!
This is a picture of two Gay boys in a freedom day march;
Boys can do this everyday in the villages of the Maoy!
Note: This next part talks about when Boys
are adult in the Tribe; This CANNOT happen
till we move out of the US and form our own country.
Until then, we must follow the laws of the US.
On this page you will read that Gay Boys ARE a part of the Tribe,
because they are getting the short end of the stick, they have no rights.
We must give them back the right to friendship,
We must give them back the right to friendship,
and safety not found in the US.
Now, the Tribe knows that if we limit membership to those only
Now, the Tribe knows that if we limit membership to those only
18 and above, we would have very little problem. Some Churches will still
say that being Gay is a sin, and have closed hearts and minds,
ok, they don't have to join the Tribe! But they can't STOP the Tribe.
So we will get hell for bringing Gay Boys into the Tribe, ( but only when we have our own Island!)
So we will get hell for bringing Gay Boys into the Tribe, ( but only when we have our own Island!)
We say AMEN to that! (Note: Amen means "so it shall be, and so it IS!)
Gay Boys have suffered enough in the US! It's time Gays
Gay Boys have suffered enough in the US! It's time Gays
did something! (Read the post “Abomination” it will break your heart)
But we do have a problem. The laws in the US are very harsh,
But we do have a problem. The laws in the US are very harsh,
and Gay Men are being kept away from Gay Boys.
The thought in the US is that You can't EVER
The thought in the US is that You can't EVER
be able to handle Manhood till You are Eighteen!
With ALL the rights of Manhood!
What's wrong in the US? No one ever trains a boy at a early age to be a man!
What's wrong in the US? No one ever trains a boy at a early age to be a man!
Many boys grow up to be adults without ever knowing what it is to be a man!
How can you train a boy to be a man when you don't know
How can you train a boy to be a man when you don't know
how to be one yourself, because YOU were never trained!
The Tribe will train it's youth on how to be a man!
The Tribe will train it's youth on how to be a man!
In the US today no one is trained to be a man!
I believe that the US would have far less crime, violence, hate, and
I believe that the US would have far less crime, violence, hate, and
far less laws, if forty years ago, the US started to train boys to be men, starting in first grade.
We have forgotten that Boys CAN be Men at Twelve Years Old!
We have forgotten that Boys CAN be Men at Twelve Years Old!
And when we move out of the US into our own country,
Boys WILL be Men at 12 years old.
Coming to Man Hood in the Tribe, is Very Important!
Coming to Man Hood in the Tribe, is Very Important!
It's the biggest thing in Your Life! It's the dividing point
And in the Tribe, We will all come together with song and Dance,
And in the Tribe, We will all come together with song and Dance,
to honor EVERY BOYS Coming to Manhood! It's the MOST important time in a Boys life!
And the Day a Boy in the Tribe comes to Manhood,
And the Day a Boy in the Tribe comes to Manhood,
He will be Honored!
Does this mean that, by becoming a Man,
Does this mean that, by becoming a Man,
in the Tribe, you give up your childhood?
No!, Never! It means you have rights in the Tribe;
You are a Part of the
Life of the Tribe! You have a say in what happens in the Tribe!
You are not just a BOY
any more.
The Tribe is thinking of moving to Puerto Rico. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean Sea, about 1,000 mi east-southeast of Miami, Fla. A possession of the United States. This can be great! Any Tribe Member who gets a Gov.(like I do) Check, can get it here!
The Tribe is thinking of moving to Puerto Rico. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean Sea, about 1,000 mi east-southeast of Miami, Fla. A possession of the United States. This can be great! Any Tribe Member who gets a Gov.(like I do) Check, can get it here!
Also, the age of consent is 14 years, so boys can be men at 14 here. This will be a God Send to Boys that are Gay that really have no family, to live in the Tribe with Boy Care Givers that love them.
But this can only happen when
we move out of the US into our own country.(or Puerto Rico)
This means, that any temporary villages we form in the US,
can only have living there, members 18 and up.Does this mean that Gay Boys younger cannot join?
Not at all!
It means that Boys younger then 18 cannot live in the
Tribe in the US, but they can join and have a say in the Tribe!
They can come to the meetings
and be a real part of the Tribe!
They can join the Maoy Scouts! And when you join the Maoy Scouts,
They can join the Maoy Scouts! And when you join the Maoy Scouts,
you BECOME a Member of the Tribe! And they can come
and live in the Tribe, when we find our own place, where we can make our own country!
For ANY Boy that wants to join and come to Church and
Meetings, or the Maoy Scouts, we will follow the Boy Scouts and how they handle Adults with Boys.
Lets talk a little about the Maoy Scouts What it is.
1. It’s a place where Gay boys can get together in friendship, working, hunting, fishing,
many of the things The Boy scouts do but we do it only for Gays.
And Gay Boys can help build the Tribe!
One note: The Tribe will follow ALL US Laws while in the US.
And because the Maoy Scouts and Tribe meetings will be for all
Gay Boys and will be run by Gay male adults, ALL adults who
have any contact with Boys, will have to go through a background check,
to make sure that there is nothing in their past that could be harmful
to Gay Boys or the Tribe. The Tribe hates background checks,
it means that anything you have done in your life , even from grade school,
will follow you and slap you down! Does this mean you cannot join
the Tribe? No! not at all! It means for your safety and the Tribes,
till we move out of the US, you can’t be around kids.
We did not make these laws in this country,
but we sure want to get away from them!
If a Gay Boy lives with Criticism, He learns to condemn.
If a Gay Boy lives with Hostility, He learns to Fight.
If a Gay Boy lives with Ridicule, He learns to be shy.
If a Gay Boy lives with Shame, He learns to feel guilty.
HOWEVER, living in the TRIBE
If a Gay Boy lives with Tolerance, He learns to be Patient.
If a Gay Boy lives with Encouragement, He learns Confidence.
If a Gay Boy lives with Praise, He learns to Appreciate.
If a Gay Boy lives with Fairness, He learns Justice.
If a Gay Boy lives with Security, He learns to have Faith.
If a Gay Boy lives with Approval, He learns to like Himself.
If a Gay Boy lives with Acceptance, and Friendship,
He learns to find Love in the world.
Life in the Tribe will be very different then life in the US.
The First and Main Law in the Tribe
1. "Boys are sacred!" You will not harm Boys at any time,
but respect them, teach them what they need to know
but never abuse them! The Men and Boys who come to live
in the Tribe are those that respect Boys and each other in the Tribe.
We come to the Tribe to live, play and work together,
NOT to do harm to each other!
Every Boy and Man who comes to the Tribe will be trained
Every Boy and Man who comes to the Tribe will be trained
in how to live together in the Tribe. Boys will be trained to know
what could be harmful to them, so they can know
if someone is trying to do that to them, and come and tell the elders.
ANYONE who harms a Boy, will be expelled from the tribe,
dropped into a country with no money, or any support, to make it on their own.
This may sound harsh, but if you come to live in the Tribe,
and harm a Boy the truth is, you don't BELONG in the Tribe!
In the US, you can break the law by just walking down the street!
Why? Because there are so many laws, you can't know all of them!
Why? Because there are two many people! (310 million)
We will have few Laws in the Tribe, because to many laws get in the way of Life!
We will have few Laws in the Tribe, because to many laws get in the way of Life!
The main reason for the Tribe is for ALL GAYS
to live together, in Harmony with each other and Nature.
"Good Gays want only the chance to work and live in FREEDOM
and peace. That is true happiness."
This is all I will list now, but any more laws
"Good Gays want only the chance to work and live in FREEDOM
and peace. That is true happiness."
This is all I will list now, but any more laws
will be common sense laws, not like the US!
One more thing about the Laws in the Tribe. Each Village
One more thing about the Laws in the Tribe. Each Village
will be looked over by a panel of 13. This will be made up of 13
adults in the Tribe, and because Boys are Adult at 12 years old,
some members of this panel will be 12 years old! Boys
have a say in what happens in the Tribe!
Could we EVER in the Tribe, turn our backs on Gay youth? The Answer is NO! NEVER!
“I am the Boy. You hold in your hand my destiny—
You determine largely, whether I shall succeed or fail.
Give me, I pray you, those things that make for happiness.
Train me, I beg you, that I may be a blessing to you and the Tribe.”
We MUST remember in the Tribe:
“It is easier and better to build Boys than to repair men.”
When you first come to the Tribe, you will be assigned an adult
to live with, to take care of you till you get your feet on the ground.
But you, as a Boy, can CHOOSE who you want to live with!
Unlike the US, where the Government tells you (if you have no family),
where you live, and with what Foster Family you will live with.
In the Tribe, You will have a Love Family! Why?
can decide who you will live with, till you are of Age!
Boys, in the US, are taught not to show emotion-to be masculine,
but this is wrong! Boys need to be free to say how they feel, to show their Love to others.
Our society says that a "real" man doesn't cry.
A real man doesn't get close to other men, a real man doesn't hug other men.
Touchy feely stuff is only for women. Very few sons have grown up with a wholesome relationship with their father.
It's time for the Tribe to change the course of how Boys
will be raised in the Tribe. It's time to find the right way
to develop a wholesome relationship with boys and be determined
to do it no matter how hard it might seem, or how
different it seems from the way we were raised.
Physical affection between a man and boy is wholesome
and very much needed. Start putting your arm around your boy
and let him know how important he is to you, how much you love him.
Most of all, give your boy a Tribal love kiss and tell him you love him!
Don't EVER assume he knows it. Tell him! Put your arm
around him when he is going through trouble in his life.
Too many men in the US would pass that off with
"Real men don't cry, just get over it!"
This leads to coldness in the boys heart. Too many boys
This leads to coldness in the boys heart. Too many boys
come to the Tribe hurting and crying on the inside.
Take your boy in your arms, Look your boy in the eye and say from your heart,
Take your boy in your arms, Look your boy in the eye and say from your heart,
"I Love You, I Truly Love YOU!"
To truly love your Boy or Man, you must revel in his
To truly love your Boy or Man, you must revel in his
existence because they make life all the more wonderful.
To all Gays that come to the Tribe: Gay Boys develop their view
of themselves largely by how they view their fathers. Many young
Gay Boys are struggling with their concept of being Gay.
They have a wrong view of being Gay because of their fathers.
"When fathers fail their children, the home fails, the church fails, and the nation fails."
This is a Boy in the hospital. Look at his face! Do you think he will ever give his heart to another?
This came from a Russian web site. Look at the Tragic look on the Boy!
So many Gay and Straight Boys are homeless in the US today,
how many of them LIVE IN A SEWER because they have no where else to go?
Remember: "The kind of person you are to your Gay
boy, will be the kind of person HE will become to a boy someday."
In the Tribe, we need to raise Boys in the FREEDOM to express
Love and tenderness, not to be thought of as a sissy, as the US
thinks of Boys and Men who care.
For it takes a strong,
Boy or Man WARRIOR in the Tribe-to be tender.
In the Tribe Loving Our Boys, spending time with our Boys, comes first!
In the Tribe, We don't have to put "Making a living" first in our lives!
The hardest task we, in the Tribe, will ever undertake, is taking the
time to really Love each other. Then we will be well on the way to accomplishing,
in the Tribe, some wonderful things, and as the
American Indian says,
we will then walk the Beauty Path.
The excitement of fulfillment and shared Love,
The excitement of fulfillment and shared Love,
more exciting then we have ever dreamed.
Love takes time to reach full-flower. We must nurture Love in all Boys
and Men in the Tribe, not rush it. It will happen in all of us if
we are patient-and Loving. We must give Love lots
of care, then watch Love unfold-slowly-naturally-fully.
This next is a story about a Father and his two sons.
They had done something wrong, so wrong that they knew that they
were going to get a whipping! The Father said, ok, boys, up to your room,
you know what's coming! So they went. In the room, the two boys were scared!
They knew they had done wrong! The Father looked at the two Boys, removed his belt.
It was time.
He took off his shirt, gave the belt to one of the Boys, and said "Hit Me."
The Boy did not understand. "Hit Me" the Father said,
"It's not your fault what happened, it's MY fault! If I had raised
you up right this would not have happened! He made the two Boy hit him several times,
till his back was red, they did this with tears running down their faces!
In the end they all came together, in tears hugging and kissing! In the end,
the Father NEVER again had to punish his two Boys! What Love!
What Father today can show that much Love and understanding?
But we can, we MUST! In the Tribe. Gay Boys are the sheep of our pasture,
and we MUST take care of them, feed them with love from our hearts and our souls!
The Tsalagi teach: "The Eye of God looks
through the eyes of the Children."
Every child deserves a supportive and loving home. But for
many gay Boys and youth, in the US, that home is not available
Indeed, too many youth who come out are rejected by their families,
Indeed, too many youth who come out are rejected by their families,
harassed and victimized in schools, discriminated against in out-of-home care facilities,
and brutalized in homeless shelters. They often resort to criminal activity,
such as theft or “survival sex” in order to survive. The high rates of rejection,
violence, and institutional discrimination combined with hostile school
environments and social prejudice lead to an over-representation
of gay among the homeless youth population But remember:
There are approximately 1.6 million to 2.8 million
homeless young people in the United States,
and estimates suggest that disproportionate numbers of those youth are gay.
NOW there is a place where Gay Boys can go to find real friendship
that our ever changing laws, CAN'T EVER TAKE AWAY FROM YOU!
NO LONGER can we stand to let these unjust laws put Boys and
Men in jail just for loving each other! THE MADNESS MUST STOP!
But it can ONLY stop when we form our
own country, away from the US laws!
We MUST have our own Ethos in the Tribe different from the USA!
(Ethos means the guiding beliefs, standards, and ideals that will characterize the Tribe,
that is inextricably linked to the Tribe and cannot be separated from it,
or the Tribe will lose all meaning. The ethos of the Tribe means how
all its members live together). We cannot bring into the Tribe the patterns,
the folkways and mores, the way of life, in the US. If we do, then Tribes men will
go back to hating each other again. A black would again, become a lousy nigger,
and different-from-us. All the different races in the Tribe would
again hate each other, all of them different-from-us. There would be customs
again, and passports, and tariffs and identification cards, and classifications, race,
color, creed. There would be monopolies and black marketers and labor
racketeers and profiteers, just like the US. There would be sorrow,
fighting, self indulgence, ambition, greed and the rich would get richer
and the poor poorer, as they are in the US. And like the US,
we would just become another Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:22-33)
We, the Gay Boys and Men of the Tribes of the Maoy,
We, the Gay Boys and Men of the Tribes of the Maoy,
must make a profound change, not only in our
social and economic patterns, but also in our mental processes.We have a lot to atone for, but I know that all Gay Boys and Men
reading have seen in these pages, the miracle of the Tribe, and be grateful,
and never go back! We in the Tribe must have Faith. Faith in the miracle
of the Tribe, a miracle of redemption and Freedom!
Gay Boys have cried enough!
Why we love Boys!
A Kindergarten pupil told his teacher he’d found a cat, but it was dead.
“How do you know that the cat was dead?” she asked him.
“Because I pissed in its ear and it didn’t move,” answered the Boy innocently.
“You did WHAT?!!” the teacher exclaimed in surprise.
“You know,” explained the Boy, “I leaned over and went ‘Pssst!’ and it didn’t move.”
A small Boy is sent to bed by his father. Five minutes later:
“I’m thirsty. Can you bring drink of water?”
“No. You had your chance. Lights out.”
Five minutes later: Da-aaad…”
“I’m THIRSTY. Can I have a drink of water?”
I told you NO! If you ask again, I’ll have to spank you!!”
Five minutes later….”Daaaa-aaaad…”
“When you come in to spank me, can you bring a drink of water?”
An Exasperated mother, whose son was always
getting into mischief, finally asked him,
“How do you expect to get into Heaven?”
The Boy thought it over and said, “Well, I’ll run in and out and in
and out and keep slamming the door until St. Peter says,
“For Heaven’s sake, Dylan, come in or stay out!”
One summer evening during a violent thunderstorm a mother was
tucking her son into bed. She was about to turn off
the light when he asked with a tremor in his voice,
“Mommy, will you sleep with me tonight?”
The mother smiled and gave him a reassuring hug.
“I can’t dear,” she said. “I have to sleep in Daddy’s room.”
A long silence was broken at last by his shaky little voice: “The big sissy.”
I made myself a snowball, As perfect as could be,
I thought I’d keep it as a pet, And let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas, And a pillow for its head,
Then last night it ran away, But first—it wet the bed.
Vision without action is merely a dream
Action without vision just passes time
Vision with action can change the World!
We, the Tribes of the Maoy, CAN change the way the world thinks about Gays!
or write: The Tribes of the Maoy P. O. Box 2394
Las Cruces NM 88004
Please! Copy this and pass it on to ALL Gays who want real Freedom in their lives!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to Help publish the main Web Site!
The Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Ministers to teach us the Word of GOD!
And the Tribe NEEDS Active Gay Members to help build the Tribe!
The Tribe NEEDS Two Spirit American Indians to be part of the Tribe and Teach us.
If you want to change your life for the better, Contact the Tribe!
Check out the rest of our God pages and the Tribes pages! Learn what it will
Really be living in the Tribe!
god's gay tribe by Radioflyer Tribe Leader is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
This is a Web site under God, and follows Religious Freedom,
as found in the constitution of the United States, and
Civil Freedoms as found in our laws.
All pictures are believed to be in public domain, any picture that is not,
will be removed by request. Art and text are owned by the FREE
And shall not be removed or copied except for personal use or use promoting the Tribe.
Any questions you have about use, please contact the Tribe.
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